Lyttelton Urban Downhill, 24 March 2012

The concept for Urban Down Hill Racing began with the Red Bull Urban Down Hill in Brazil. There are now several Urban Down Hill races in the world every year. The Red Bull Urban event has had 365,000 You Tube views to date.

The Lyttleton Urban Down Hill Event will run on Saturday March 24th, between 2-6pm on a course from Norton Close to Norwich Quay, a distance of 1.2 Km with a 160m vertical drop.
Entry to the event is limited to a maximum of 80 elite riders; the final for the event will run the top 30 riders between 5 and 6pm.

Long term vision for this event is to make it an annual celebration of community and fun. We see this event as a message to the wider public that Lyttelton, New Zealand is open for business. Part of Saturday’s activities will include two busker rings and mountain bike skills sessions for all ages from 12-3pm, located on London St.
We estimate a maximum of 800 spectators for the Saturday activities. The average age of the spectators and participants are between 10 and 50, our sponsors will enjoy coverage with Film broadcast internationally via You Tube.

We expect a very high level of media exposure in the lead up to the race. Through community newspapers, a web/blog site, signage through out Canterbury, and magazine articles in newspapers and magazines, and Facebook. On race day we an MC who will introduce all of our sponsors and asked to expose sponsors names every 30 minutes, and between riders during the final.

Race budget- This is a non profit event run by a trust and our budget will be limited for 2012. We estimate our costs for race day to climb to $8000 and for marketing approximately $3000. ie. we plan to print 500 A2 posters.

The key people involved with this event are Nick Sutcliffe - Track Design; Ted Pearce - Traffic Management Plan; Andrea Murray - Event Management; Laurence Mote - Marketing and Sponsorship; Bridget McMillan; Andrew Turner from the Lyttelton Business Board - our link to the business on London St, who stand to benefit significantly from this event.

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